Weekly LIVE Open Clinics

🗓 Every Saturday at 6pm

Our clinics will run each week at the same time and date. This will be the perfect opportunity to get some handy up-to-date advice for the application and ask any questions.

The sessions are FREE and will be going LIVE on this page, on our YouTube channel, Instagram page, Facebook page and Twitter profile. Follow, subscribe & turn on your notifications (on Twitter & Instagram) to make sure you don't miss a session!

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Tafsir - UCL 6th Year

Clinic Lead Host

Hey!👋🏼 My name is Tafsir and I'm the Medmentor Clinic lead. I'll be hosting weekly sessions giving you advice and answering your questions to help support you with your application!

My experiences include 6 years as a Team Leader and Mentor for the official UCL outreach scheme, Target Medicine (helping aspiring doctors like you get into medical school); teaching at Medicine Summer Schools; and sitting on a UCL medical school interview panel. These experiences have given me key insights into what makes an ideal candidate.

Answering your questions honestly, I'll teach you how to apply smart and provide you with the confidence needed to become a future doctor. I'm also keen to show you how to make the most out of university! During my time at medical school, I've been the founding team member of an exciting new MedTech startup and I also work for a charity doing global work in maternal health.

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